Category Archives: Day Out of Days

“Thor’s Day” by Sam Shepard #6

When I began “Thor’s Day” I noticed that the page had a different layout then most, and when I came to page 2, my suspicions about what made this story unusual were confirmed. This is a dialogue-only story. Also somewhat unusual, there are no names for the two protagonists, just like in “The Briefcase.” In a nutshell, this selection is about a conversation a couple has in a restaurant in Virginia. As you can surmise from the title, part of the conversation has to do with the origins of the word “Thursday.” Due to the nature of the writing, it is an extremely quick read. It is almost like I was taken for a ride as the conversation progressed, brought to the climax, and then suddenly ended. You can find it in Sam Shepard’s Day out of Days: Stories.

Content Advisory: Blood and Gore

Links of Interest:

The Origins of the Names for the Days of the Week

Thoughts on Dialogue-Only Fiction at Flash Fiction Chronicles